The acceleration of a geared system

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Engineering
APPLIED MECHANICS LABORATORY REPORT Title: The acceleration of a geared system Aim: To support the theory on the prediction of the motion of rotors connected by gears. Object: The main object of the experiment is: <Tab/>To investigate the theory on the prediction of the motion of rotors connected by the gears. <Tab/>By the falling weight method to evaluate the inertia on each shaft. <…

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…So the relation between the two variables tends to be linear. As it concern the value of Ieqv and Isys. we know from theory that must both of them be the same, but with the affect of errors that occurred they have a difference of 3.36 %. Conclusion: The aim of the experiment, which was to support the theory on the prediction of the motion of rotors connected by gears, has been achieved despite the errors occurred.