The Wizard of Oz by Frank, Alice in Wonder Land by Lewis Carroll, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien This essay was written in comparison as requested by my instructor

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
"The Wizard of Oz" By L. Frank Baum "Alice in Wonder Land" By Lewis Carroll "The Hobbit" By J.R.R. Tolkien The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonder Land and The Hobbit are great fantasies. All three stories have something in common. The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonder Land are about a little girl and imagination. Baum did a great job of taking every day reality and things and making them into …

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…Hobbit story containing a wizard was comparable with The Wizard of Oz. Except, The wizard in The Hobbit could perform magic and the one in The Wizard of Oz was more of a joke. The small people made the hobbit a fantasy along with the dragons because there is nobody small enough to live under the ground and dragons don't exist. Overall, all three stories were mostly comparable because of the small people and magic.