The War on Terrorism: Is the Bush Administration Making the Grade? (This was written before the Attack on Iraq in Dec 2002)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
On the evening of September 11, 2001, after the World Trade Center's twin towers had collapsed, taking the lives of over 3,000 Americans and leaving the economy to face a loss of approximately $100 billion dollars, President Bush vowed to find the perpetrators and declared America's 'War on Terrorism'. With a heavy heart and a patriotic conscious, citizens across America pledge to support the war in everyway possible. "God Bless America" and "United We Stand" became America's battle cries, …

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…>>. Havely, Joe. "Afghanistan: Rebuilding a 'Failed' State." CNN. 10 Sept 2002. <<>>. Press, Bill. "The Bush Gang That Can't Shoot Straight." CNN. 19 April 2002. <<>>. "US Expands 'Axis of Evil'." BBC News. 6 May 2002. <<>>.