The Vietnam War.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
The Vietnam War 1.Vietnam separated because a man named Ho Chi Ming introduced communisation to Vietnam. The people of North Vietnam wanted Vietnam to be a communist country, but the people of South Vietnam didn't. So South Vietnam decided to separate from North Vietnam. North Vietnam did not like the way that South Vietnam dealt with the situation, and this caused a war. 2.The conflict between North and South Vietnam went from 1954 to 1975. There were …

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…a group of the Vietnamese and being shot. This would have been an advantage for the Vietnamese solders because they could sniper out/shoot out American solders, while the Americans wouldn't even know who was killing their men, and where the shooting was coming from. The other advantage about the trail for the Vietnamese is that they could move around the trail and to places more quickly that has to travel through the thick bush.