The Versailles System was doomed to failure as long as the Soviet Union and the United States did not participate.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
After the first World War, the two main powers in the world were the USA, under the leadership of Woodrow Wilson, and the USSR- the newly revolutionised, newly Communist Russia, under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin. It was decided by the European states that had been affected by the war that Germany was the responsible party, and as a result must face the consequences for her actions. This was to be discussed at conferences sat …

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…from the beginning, but not due to the lack of participation from the two major powers. The reasons for its pre-determined doom were far more close to home, with its very own aims and demands being the basis. Far from blaming the likes of Wilson for bailing out, or Stalin for 'collaborating with the enemy', in regard to the failure of the System of Versailles, the main Allied leaders had no-one to blame but themselves.