"The Ulster Unionist Party was primarily responsible for the development of sectarian politics in Northern Ireland between 1921 and 1972". Do you agree?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
"The Ulster Unionist Party was primarily responsible for the development of sectarian politics in Northern Ireland between 1921 and 1972". Do you agree? The Government of Ireland Act 1920 paved way for the partition of Ireland. Partition of Ireland would in view of the Westminster government prevent civil war between Catholic Nationalists and Protestant Unionists. The Nationalists made it clear they sought independence from Britain having lobbied Westminster for many years. In addition, they had perpetuated much rioting …

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…on parades at a troubled time. Likewise the 1969 Bogside riots can be blamed on the UUP for using the Police as a sectarian body against the Catholics. These are just two examples being reemphasised to highlight the role of the UUP in dividing the people of Ireland. There policies whilst in office deepened the resentment between Catholics and Protestants. Thus, this essay concludes that the UUP were primarily responsible for sectarian politics in Northern Ireland.