The Troubled Life of Judy Garland.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Many of you know her as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. But there was much more trouble behind Judy Garland than just a pair of ruby slippers. At the young and innocent age of 17 she starred in her 7th film, "The Wizard of Oz". The same year she had her hand and shoe prints forever embedded in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The reality of her envied life was not so pretty however. The …

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…of the drugs she was taking before she took them, had she not been so pushed, wanted and worked, maybe her fate would have been different. It shows the importance of knowing the side effects of drugs and what they can do to you without your even knowing it. No matter how innocent you think it is, drugs of any kind can be seriously deadly if you are not aware of its effects in time.