The Triumph of the Free Market

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
Based on the strongest foundations of reason, logic, and non-coercion, the principles of the free-market are just as applicable to proper government and social conduct as to economics. To illustrate this, I will explore in broad terms the moral and practical reasons the free-market is the best base for a proper society. First, I will explain how interference with market processes creates massive economic harm; second, how deviation from market concepts leads to a corrupt …

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…collapse of that social order, leaving only devastation in its wake. I hope it is also clear that any infringement upon the guarantees of the free-market eventually leads to tyranny and the eventual deterioration of a state. This is why it is necessary that everyone gathers a basic knowledge of market theory and economics and maintains a vigilant eye so that all of our futures can be safeguarded from the perpetually looming threat of collectivism.