"The Trendy Green Drink" the marking techniques on the packaging Arizonia green tea has used to appeal to its target audience.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Having seen the packaging, the consumer picks up the drink out of curiosity, while other iced tea drinks have flashy fonts or colors for packaging, 'Arizona' Green Tea maintains its oriental look, providing a contrast that attracts the eye of the consumer and sells itself. The tea comes in a bottle with a light green opaque film around it. The film is illustrated and the top to the bottle is secured with a paper seal …

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…its oriental, tranquil looks, suggestively more health conscience ingredients and international wording 'Arizona' green tea has gained popularity. It now follows the line of many other drinks which have entered this age group over the years, it appeals first to a few, who want to be different and then to almost everyone else to be more like the rebellious. 'Arizona' Green Tea has not only established a market for its product, but has become popular.