The Tragedy of the Holocaust

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The Tragedy of the Holocaust When someone can be responsible for killing thousands of people, that person should be killed. Imagine having to see ones family get killed right before ones eye's just because of their race and religion. Imagine being starved for days and slaving away in a death camp. Imagine having home, family, even life be taken away from one. Imagine how life would be like with no mom or dad or friends. …

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…anyone. As a result of the Holocaust many innocent people were dead and those who survived, there lived were changed forever. There is every indicator that the Holocaust was horribly wrong. Hitler is an evil man that should have been shot. The Jews were innocent and were extremely confused and brainwashed. A crime among humanity and life itself occurred, killing man, women, children, for no apparent reason was the most sad and disappointing in history.