The Style of "Wuthering Height" by Emily Bronte

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"Wuthering Heights" is presented by several different narrators, which include Nelly Dean and Lockwood. Although these voices do change, the novel also includes a letter from Isabella. An evident feature is the flashback technique, which comprises of a non-linear plot. The Yorkshire dialect makes the story seem real of that period of time, that is the early eighteen hundreds and reflects the mentality of the people at the time. Two of the most powerful images …

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…of the characters are recycled, so that the names of the characters of the younger generation seem only to be rescrambling of the names of their parents, leads the reader to consider how plot elements also repeat themselves. For instance, Heathcliff's degradation of Hareton repeats Hindley's degradation of Heathcliff. Also, the young Catherine's mockery of Joseph's earnest evangelical zealousness is repletion of her mother's. Even Heathcliff's second try at opening Catherine's grave repeats his first.