"The Storm" By Kate Chopin This essay is a symbolic analysis of "The Storm".

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
In Kate Chopin's short story "The Storm", an extremely passionate wife and mother faces her past love and is left in an awkward situation which could potentially cause detriment for her family. The storm that actually takes place during this story serves as the key symbolic element throughout the entire text, as it also helps to tell the story in a representational manner. <Tab/>As the story begins, Bobin&…

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…out after the rain; that does not mean that the storm will never return. And just as quickly as the storm may return, that quickly so can any problem or difficult situation that may arise. If something as simple as a storm could cause Calixta to spark an old flame after she had been married and had a son, what makes her or Alcee believe that everything is ok and they lived happily ever after?