The Sleepy bus driver

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
In 1996, my family decided to go back to Iraq to see our relatives. We were in Jordon at that time, and I was 8 years old. It was Thursday morning; we prepared ourselves and went to the bus station. I, my brother, and sister sat in the back of the bus, my mom was in the other seat with my uncle; beside us. The bus was full of people and kids. I liked it that day, …

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…him was his helper I call him the "co-driver", him and the driver take turns for driving the bus. At that night, the co-driver went to sleep. So the bus driver was driving the bus alone and everyone was sleeping. After 2 or 3 hours the driver was sleepy too, but there was nobody to help and take his turn of driving. While he was still driving, he went to sleep, and the bus was driving still.