The Shrinking Welfare State: An essay about individuals who abuse our welfare system, and steps the government should take to stop this.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
The Shrinking Welfare State: The New Welfare Legislation and Families I think most people are split on the issue of welfare. Some see it as a handout to the poor where the recipients will not and do not want to work. Others see it as just helping the unfortunate get back on their feet. Personally, I see it as a little of both. I would love nothing more to help everyone who is willing to …

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…also. They might not be living the good life but at least they would be getting by. I would much rather give money to someone who is working at McDonalds part time than someone who is sitting at home not even looking for a job. References Post, J. E. Lawrence, A. T., & Weber, J. (2002). Contemporary business issues with readings: Selected materials from business and society, corporate strategy, public policy, ethics, 9th edition Boston: McGraw-Hill