"The S.A.T's: A Fair Fight?". This paper argues against using the S.A.T's as a "standardized" test of your I.Q capacity.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
-Over view- A paper of mine written circa 1999 against the usage of the S.A.T's as a "standardized" test of your I.Q capacity. A true standardized test would NOT have tools that some students can get their hands on, whilst other students..who may not have the "means" to obtain them. ------------------------------------------------------- The S.A.T's: A Fair Fight? ------------------------------------------------------- College is the aspiration of thousands of young adults everywhere. In today's modern …

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…college, no wonder this question is being asked. It's time to see past the illusion that there are not really any mediocre students, but a mediocre system (SATs) scrutinizing them. In conclusion, American higher education has already been debased by its poor base structure. The United States scores lower than many of our foreign counterparts. Maybe its time we rethink and restructure the methods used to teach and scale a student in today's education system.