The Rostow and Barke and O'Hare Models, and how it applies to North Korea.

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In the 5 stages of the Rostow model, the role of capital investment is greatest during the preconditions to take off stage and take off stage. The amount of investment to countries in the preconditions to take off stage usually comes out to be 5% of their GDP. Many counties reach this stage because of colonization. After they pass that stage, they reach take off, by this stage they are usually independent, manufacturing industries grow rapidly, better …

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…N. Korea economy was not able to grow well and thus it moved slowly. By the end of 1979, GDP per capita in N. Korea was only one-third of the one in South Korea. Kim Il-sung promoted a new economic policy to cure the problem, especially emphasized on trading. And in the following years, N. Korea has been being more open to imports in order to diverse its market and to survive in this globalized world.