"The Rolling Stone Book of the Beats": The Beat Generation and American Culture, Edited by Holly George-Warren.

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The Rolling Stone Book of the Beats is aN in-depth and complete collection of several essays about the Beat generation and its intense influence on literature and American culture. The list of contributors to the book is amazing. Writers, musicians, actors, and even some of the Beats themselves contributed essays, photographs, and drawings to the book. The book is organized very well, and serves as not only a good book for research, but also remains …

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…easier then it is - which is, of course, another reason for their popularity. However, this fact in no means diminishes the brilliance of their work. The suggestions of no revisions or completely spontaneous prose and poetry have completely changed the literary world. It has encouraged individuals to write out of personal experience, or from random thought processes - further diminishing this pointless and dangerous line of who is an artist and who is not.