"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. The teacher asked us to read this short story and them write a summery of it and relate to the world or our lives in some way.

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is a short poem about a person's last quest. This is a poem that everyone in an English speaking country has readapt least 10 times. <Tab/>It starts off with the journeyer at a fork in the road in the middle of the woods in winter. He would like to travel both but he is just one person. He stands there at the fork in …

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…end and decided to turn their life around now they're happy. Yay; now all is good and balanced in their lives. They write books, poems and give speeches about it and no one listens. People mess up their lives not knowing that if they had paid attention to the book or lecture they could have avoided the same mistake. Alas, humans don't learn. They are doomed to repeat parts of the past forever until death.