The Rise of Muhammad and Islam

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
When Charles Martel defeated the Muslims in Spain and stopped their advance into greater Europe, he most likely did not know just how much of an effect his victory had on the history of not only Europe, but of the known world. The fact that Islam may have overtaken the rest of the world had it not been for that crucial battle attests to the strength of this relatively new religion. If the strength of …

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…few, and it has been predicted that by the year 2000, one-fourth of the world's (by then) six billion people will call themselves Muslims. Works Cited 1. Gabrieli, Francesco. Muhammad and the Conquests of Islam. Officine Arnoldo Mondadori, Verona Italy, 1968. 2. Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck, John Obert Voll and John L. Esposito. The Contemporary Islamic Revival. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1991. 3. Kagan Donald, Stephen Ozment and Frank M. Turner. The Western Heritage Fifth Edition. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1995.