The Responsible Electorate based on V.O. Key, Jr. ideals Information on positive and negatives of electorates

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5th AP History January 13, 2003 The Responsible Electorate V.O. Key, Jr. Election returns identify which candidate gets the most votes from the electorate, but in essence, that's all it really tells us. Why does one candidate get more votes than another? We cannot assume it's because of his past record or promises for the future. It's interesting to examine what make the electorate vote as it does. Instruments such as the Gallup Poll have helped …

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…should expect, given the clarity of the alternatives presented to it and the character of the information available to it." He does not feel that today's American electorate is easily manipulated. Instead, it studies the issues, evaluates the government's performance, and assesses personality and a potential leader's character. We can have faith that the electorate will continue to take its voting right seriously and use it to maintain and strengthen our democratic form of government.