The Repercussions of Rap Music.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
"The beat has them bopping, and the words have them thinking; from the tenement-lined streets of Harlem, New York to mansion parties in Beverly Hills. Rap Music once popular amongst blacks in New York, Washington D.C, and Philadelphia." ( Today, in the year 2000, rap music is spreading rapidly in popularity across the world and overtaking all other forms of music in sales and recognition. Thirty-five years ago, it …

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…influences the use of drugs and alcohol, represents sexuality in a negative way, and the unambiguous lyrics are completely unsuitable in today's society. Rap Music is a form of music that, in general is one of God's gifts given towards black people and is a beautiful form of music, nevertheless rap should not mean taking it too far by demeaning everything that is good and not elevating a assent conception of the Kingdom of God.