The Relationship Between Happiness and Work

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Today we live in a culture of ?total work? where people are defined by their jobs to the exclusion of character. We live in a time where a country?s greatness is based almost solely upon economics, and leisure is simply time away from work, free-time, your own time, time off the clock, necessary rest and relaxation so one can return to the battlefield of labor rested and revitalized. Instead of living a financially comfortable …

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…itself, nor opposed to the world of business and economics. These are extremely necessary. Without work, leisure and philosophizing would not be possible. Our goal should be against is the overemphasis on the world of work and the extent to which the philosophy of ?work-for-work?s-sake? has invaded and for all practical purposes taken over our culture. The question is this: ?Can human existence be completely happy and fulfilled in being exclusively a work-a-day existence??