The Park

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Michael Emery Writing and Research AALA-5 Essay # 1 March 15, 2004 <Tab/> The Park The wind whistling through the crisp cold air, birds chirping in the dusk of daylight, and the babbling brook running through. The cool air makes you relax and forget about all of your problems that you've had during the day. The equipment is cold to the touch; kids are running all around like it's still the dawn of the day. &…

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…would venture back, we would give a signal to tell everyone that the wicked ride is time to cease for a few moments. <Tab/>I had many girl friends that I brought there thinking that it was a fun and romantic place to go, but for some reason those relationships never seemed to last. Many people too have been there with their own little niche in the park with past loves.