The Ozone Layer: What Does It Do And What Happens When It's Gone?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The Ozone Layer: What does it do and what happens when it is depleted? The ozone layer is one of the most debated scientific subjects of the last decade. The growing problem of its depletion is being researched heavily all over the world, and methods are being researched to try and solve the problem. There have also been many debates concerning the relationship between the ozone layer and the onset of global warming. Before solutions …

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…people believe. The research also shows that ozone depletion does not actually have anything to do with the greenhouse effect and the increase in global warming. Actually it is just the opposite, as ozone depletion is shown to decrease the greenhouse effect. The largest problem is making sure that everyone follows the environmental regulations. All humans need to do is to stop destroying the ozone layer and it will cure itself as time goes on.