"The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby" written by Stanley Ellin.

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The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby A short story I recently read in class was "The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby" written by Stanley Ellin. The story tells us of a fastidious man named Mr. Appleby. Who owned a Shop called "Appleby: Antiques and Curious." At the beginning of the story we are told he had come to investigate "the most efficient methods for disposing of wife" so that he can come into immediate possession …

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…been caught and may be convicted for all the murders he has committed. I enjoyed this text, mainly due to the amount of suspense created and also because we know all the action that is going on especially that the reader knew that Martha had Mr. Appleby's details and knew his future plan to kill her although Mr. Appleby is not aware of this. "The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby" is a thoroughly enjoyable text.