The Odyssey: Paper that highlights Odysseus's characteristics, Penelope's characteristics, and the hardships they faced.

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Odysseus's legacy will echo throughout all eternity because, like all epics, it resembles the values of a specific society; values which are still held today. The everlasting retelling of an ancient story, a sense of immortality, exists in each epic that entices readers to follow its timeless tales. The Odyssey, although from a time long ago, presents the image of perfection in life. The characters of the Odyssey portray this flawlessness through the personalities of …

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…the once peaceful life they lead. Odysseus and Penelope represent Greek flawless icons. The two have patience and perseverance, withstand sorrow and despair, yet display courage and strength. However, through all the inhibitions, these two heroes reveal hope even while experiencing terror. The hope that these amazingly brave people would one day reunite. Odysseus and Penelope, reflecting the ideals of errorless role models, strived for morally inspiring objectives, all through the harsh powers of misery.