The My Lai Massacure could have been avoided.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Lieutenant William L. Calley Jr. was guilty in the My Lai killings. Imagine, a family sitting on their front porch peacefully, making breakfast for their themselves. They see hundreds of people rushing at them, pointing guns at their heads. Firing, killing for no reason, just a assumption. Calley ordered his men to kill hundreds of innocent civilians before he knew anything about them. He broke the rules of war killing them. He used his men …

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…unnecessary killings. In My Lai, Vietnam Calley was guilty in killing the innocent civilians. Calley killed many civilians before they did anything to threat his troops. The rules of war state that you can not kill civilians, Calley took part in at least 20 of the three to five hundred of them. Calley ordered his men to do things that weren't right. Calley was the reason why all the civilians died and is guilty of murder.