The Moonlight Sonata in Resident Evil

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
"Moonlight" Sonata in Resident Evil The music of Beethoven is still around with us today, even one hundred and seventy-two years after his death. When we think of classical music the name Beethoven comes to mind. movies, television, even video games use Beethoven's music to exploit the emotions that the music conjures up and connects these feelings to a product, situation, etc. While playing a video game I stumbled on one of many examples where …

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…Beethoven, he has violent movements, like the rage of storm. But we would never say that Beethoven's music would invoke violence. Rap music is considered violent because of its explicit lyrics and has been charged with invoking violence. So why is it that Beethoven is not censored as rap is? Rap tells us a story during the course of a piece. This double standard seems to reinforce society's prejudice of popular music verses classical music.