The Mexico lullaby

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The Mexican Lullaby I once went to visit my aunt in Mexico. She stays in the southern part of Mexico in a village named Puerto Escondido. This village has one of the world's most famous beaches. The open unprotected nature coast, however, means that the water is usually rough, and strong undertows make swimming unsafe, except in sheltered bays. All the people in Puerto Escondido are very hard working and there is nothing wrong with …

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…any more, because her brother did not want to sleep. When I turned around my mule was fast asleep and I couldn't wake him! I decided to fry him a fish to get him to sleep. My plan worked and the little boy slept soundly. Suddenly I heard a terrible noise, when I looked I saw my mother with a cup of coffee standing over my bed. I realized that it was all a dream.