The Meiji Restoration.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
(a)Describe the modernisation of Japan: The Meiji Restoration describes a period of events which led to a dramatic change in the political and social structure of Japan following the downfall of the Tokugawa period. This period, called the Meiji period, lasted for 4 years (1866-1869), changing the traditional political system and revolutionizing Japan in a global context with Emperor Meiji reigning. Through this modernisation, Japan became accepted in the western countries and prospered economically, socially …

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…feudal class restrictions, an industrial state with modern technology prospering and a superior transport and communications structure with strong military forces. The role of the emperor was a shadowed one, though his presence essential to the Meiji Modernisation as the centre of the imperialist ideology and shintoism, which shaped the success of the restoration. During his reign, Japan became an industrial power able to compete with the western powers and expand into a modern nation.