The Loss of Innocence - Describes how young people lose innocence in relation to the short story "Eve in Darkness".

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Suffering has been known to the world since the Garden of Eden. In life we discover many things as we age. That Santa Claus doesn't exist or that the Easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy are not real. Likewise we discover sin. In the story "Eve in Darkness", the young girl is exposed to sin. She represents a modern Eve figure who is innocent until she is led astray by her cousin Victoria. The young …

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…her. She mirrors the Biblical Eve. She begins as innocent and trusting of the world around her only to become intrigued by sin which Victoria tells her about. With her curiosity and her imagination she creates a new meaning for sin and becomes innocent again. Thus the young girl makes a journey like all other children, transforming the bad into the good with her imagination. Works Cited Hurlbut, Kaatje. "Eve in Darkness". Toronto: Mentor Books, 1969.