The Lion King compared to human being.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
The Lion King-Simba A hero is one who can look fear in the eyes and laugh. He can tackle any obstacle and come through on top. There are few who can live up to these heroic expectations. Though it may seem silly, a lion from an animated movie is the first character that comes to my mind that depicts the qualities of a hero. This is no ordinary lion though; he is a lion that …

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…his life for his land, family, friends, and pride. Simba has little doubt in his mind that he will be defeated by Scar and the hyenas, because his bravery, determination, and strength are much more immense than that of his foes. A true hero will travel the road less taken, just as Simba did; he does not turn his back on his pride for long, and regains his position as king of the Pride Lands.