The Importance of the Pharaoh in New Kingdom Egyptian Society

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
The King of the New Kingdom filled a position of much importance in Ancient Egypt, both culturally and politically. It was his (infrequently her) role to be not only seen as a leader, hunter, warrior, builder, administrator and ruler of an empire, but also as a central figure in religion and religious practices. In order to maintain his position of authority and leader status, the King was prominent in Egyptian artwork and was often depicted …

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…Egypt and the divine gods. Thus the Pharaoh was responsible for sustaining ma'at, the prosperity of the land, and for keeping it free from chaos and disaster, making the citizens entirely dependant upon him for safety and livelihood. Through propaganda, depicting themselves as necessary and important in many aspects of Egyptian life and instilling themselves in religious practices, the Kings of New Kingdom Egypt were able to maintain their dominant and powerful role in society.