The Importance of Structure, People, and Politics in Projects

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Relative Importance Introduction In project management, there are many different aspects to ensure that the project at hand will be successful. Using the all of the available resources will play a detrimental part in completing the project on time and successfully. Some of the aspects to achieving the project are the structure, the people, and the political arenas. Having a well laid out structure to insure will ensure that all deadlines are meet. Using the …

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…monstrosities with only one allowed to be inhabitable. Conclusion In project management, many different things play a major role in getting the job done and getting it done right the first time. The structure, people, and politics are only a few of the many things that influence project management making it one of the most demanding and mentally challenging jobs around. Bibliography Book Keogh, Jim. (1994). Project Planning and Implementation Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.