The Importance of Recognizing the Significance of Every Moment of Our Lives in Thorton Wilder's "Our Town".

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
In Thorton Wilder's "Our Town", universal human themes are explored by looking at the daily lives of the citizens of Grover's Corners, an imaginary location in New Hampshire which Wilder uses to represent the average American small town. Through witnessing the everyday occurences of common people much like ourselves and those we know, we become more aware of what we've always sensed about life, but which has often been swept under the rug by our …

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…realize this on an intellectual level, few humans are able to really KNOW it, in a way that allows them to actually put it into practice. Only the "saints and poets" among us, or those with a greater understanding of the world and all its subtleties, are able to truly live in a way that honors this philosophy. However, it should always be something we strive for, and seek to understand to a greater degree.