"The Idea of Good in Teachings of Different Philosophical Schools" (based on the Internet sources)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Every human being on the earth sooner or later faces one of the most important philosophical notions, which could be formulated as the concept of good that could be defined in order to be true and applicable in any situation that arises. From the first glance definition of such a concept could seem evident, because people often think that judging whether something is good or bad is so natural that a question of how to …

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…by nature. That is why each person has a unique understanding of what good is and what life is and what it should be in the future. Internet sources used: "Epicurus: Philosophy as Pain Avoidance" by Gordon L. Ziniewicz "Greek Concept of Happiness" by Paresh D. Bhat "Stephen Pepper's Formist Light on G. E. Moore" by David B. Richardson "Can Ethical Terms Be Defined?" by Shirley Hughes "Introduction to Stoic Ethics" by Dr. Jan Garrett