The Hundred Years War.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The Hundred Years War The conflict known as the Hundred Years War began in May 1337 and lasted until October 1453 and was interrupted for 6 years in the middle because of the plague. This war helped shape France and England for the decades and centuries to come. Before the war, neither country, especially France, really had much of a national identity. Both would come out of the war with a much stronger one. The Hundred Years War …

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…out of most of France. Soon after, Joan was caught and burned at the stake as a relapsed heretic. The Hundred Years War was sixty-eight years of partial peace and forty-four years of hot war with lasting political and social consequences. Although France was devastated, the war brought on French unity and nationalism and quickened its transition to a centralized state. The war helped the English to develop their own clothing industry and foreign markets.