The Holocaust: As depicted through the movie Schindler's List. How Schindler risked his own life, how was a hero, and how he protected the lives of the innocent

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Brutalized! Tormented! Antagonized! Manipulated! These, four intensely vindictive words, paint a most precise portrait of the treatment of the Jews involved in the Holocaust, a joyless and dreadful massacre. When the true meaning of the word Holocaust is expressed, chills run down the backs of young children and remorse occupies the hearts of numerous families. While at the same time, for these families to endure the agony of learning about an attempt to slaughter an …

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…person recognized for doing so. The Jews were like the characters in mythological stories, they were unable to control their own fate and could only be saved by a hero. Their hero is Oscar Schindler a life risking, death defiant Nazi oppressor. Oscar Schindler as it is mentioned earlier mildly did what needed to be done; however, it is sad that his story was discovered so late in history, to have happened so long ago.