The History of Writing

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
The History of Writing As long as 25,000- 30,000 years BC, humans were painting picture on cave walls. The advent of a writing system, however, seems to coincide with the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to more permanent societies when it became necessary to count ones property. Around 4100-3800 was when we first saw that symbols were used for counting. These were impressed or inscribed in clay. This was when a language started to develop. One of …

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…of `I' and used to give a sound of greater consonant force, particularly as the first letter of some words. `U' and `W' are variants of `V' which was being used for two different sounds in medieval England. `V' was introduced to give a soft vowel sound as opposed to the harder consonant sound of `V'. `W' began as a ligature. Two `V' letterforms were joined into `VV' to represent `double U' in 12th-century England.