The History of Video Games

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In 1949, a young engineer named Ralph Baer was given an assignment to build a television set. He wasn't supposed to build just any television set, but one that would be the absolute best of all televisions. This was not a problem for Baer, but he wanted to go beyond his original assignment and incorporate some kind of game into the set. He didn't know exactly what kind of game he had in mind, but it …

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…from transistor radios to video recorders, would release a video game that would become its top-selling product of all time? In today's world, where video games are often cited as a source for teenage violence, it's interesting to see that the first home console also had a light rifle as an optional peripheral. The world of video games continues to evolve. By reading about the past, perhaps you'll also get a glimpse of the future