The Historical and Political Context of the novel "The Chosen" by Chaim Potok

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The Historical and Political Context of "The Chosen" <Tab/>"The Chosen" is a novel written by Chaim Potok. This novel takes place in Brooklyn around the time of World War II, and is centered around the characters Reuven Malter and Danny Saunders, both Jewish teenage boys. Reuven is an Orthodox Jew, while Danny is a Hasidic Jew. Throughout the book, a strong friendship develops between these two boys, despite their contrasting …

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…characters in the novel. These events that take place in the modern secular world are catalysts for Danny to study outside his world; his world being the world in which the Hasidim have segregated themselves. Throughout the novel, there is a common theme of faith colliding with culture; yet it is the historical and political aspect of Danny and Reuven's cultures that ultimately unites and helps the characters find and strengthen their own personal faiths.