The Growth and Importance of English as a Global Language - How English developed from its origins until today. Discusses why it is now the most widely-learned language in the world.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
The definition of a global language, is a language which has been given a specific place within countries and communities around the world, even in places where there are very few native speakers of this language. Although English is not the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers - there are many more native Chinese speakers than native English speakers - it is described as a 'global …

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…during the First World War, craved. In conclusion, the English language's label of 'global language' is one which is entirely founded. It has proved its dominance all around the world, its power has spanned many centuries, and today, with the internet - the means of communication of the future - recording 94% of its sites as being written in English, it is safe to say that it will continue to do so for many future generations.