The Globe Theater...this essay talks about the Globe Theater and the entire history behind it. How it was created, etc.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Among the many famous writers we have studied this year is William Shakespeare. Shakespeare's life was assuredly most intriguing. Seeking answers, we had simple questions we wanted to determine. What were his morals? His passions? His legacy? When studying Shakespeare, we found that his life revolved around the Globe Theatre. Naturally we wanted to see why Shakespeare spent so much of his life involved in the Globe. The first Globe lasted from 1599-1613. Additionally, this …

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…reached London he joined an acting guild and began to write plays. Shakespeare even performed before Queen Elizabeth, who loved his acting and plays but could not stand him. Although he was a talented writer, he did not have the best morals. In a phrase, Shakespeare was the ladies' man. Undoubtedly, everyone must agree with what Ben Johnson, Shakespeare's friend, once said. "He was not of an age, but for all time!" Shakespeare died in 1616.