The Glass Menagerie-Characterization and symbolism in Tennessee Williams' play.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
People have a certain way of thinking, feeling, and reacting that is known as human nature. In everyday life many actions, however unintentional, give clues to our personal agendas. Insecurities, especially, have a way of showing their presence through gestures, eye contact (or lack thereof), and verbal utterings. In "The Glass Menagerie", Tennessee Williams utilizes intense characterizations to illustrate the specific traits of his various fictional personas. In the mother, Amanda, the reader sees an …

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…the story, to feel the insecurities, the rising hope, and then, ultimately, the devastation of a character, is a trait of a great writer. Tennessee Williams not only creates participants in a play, he constructs living, breathing people that the reader really cares about. I feel as if I know Laura, that she has spoken to me before and told me of her insecurities, as if she is a part of me. Maybe she is...