The Genetic Engineering Debate

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Genetic engineering... one of the most debated feats of science. Possibly one of the most useful discoveries... and possibly one of the most dangerous. But what IS genetic engineering? Scientifically, genetic engineering is the modification of a living being's development. By taking genes from one living being and adding it to another, the being the genes are added to inherit the traits from the donor being. For example: if the gene controlling an orange's color …

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…would help the hungry world-wide." While I myself fall into the former category, I do see the merit to genetic engineering. It COULD help with things like world hunger... but it could also cause more trouble than it's worth. Perhaps I'll re-evaluate my position on it some time in the future, when scientists have honed their skills and can prove that genetic engineering has no negative effects. But until then, I plan to steer clear.