The Ford Motor Company

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The Ford Motor Company This is the story of the Ford Motor company. I am going to take you on a journey through time to start us off on July 30, 1863 in Dearborn Michigan. That is the date of the birth of one of the most well known men of all time, Henry Ford. When Henry was sixteen he walked to detroit and apprenticed himself to a mechanic for two dollars and fifty cents a week …

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…until the mid eighties when they introduced the 5.0 302 to the Mustang again. In 1985 Ford introduced the Taurus that came with a 3.0 liter four cylinder but in 1988 Ford introduced the 3.8 liter v-6 to the Taurus. Ford is still running strong today and is the second largest automotive company second only to General Motors. They keep producing newer and better cars to keep we the public happy and will keep going strong until we quit driving cars.