The Fish Market

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Through the car window, an eight-year old girl eagerly tries to look inside of a different version of a zoo, the fish market. As her mom is parking the car, Erin takes a deep breath and knows they are at the dish market because the air is much fresher, and the breeze carries a slight fish odor, which reminds her of the sea. They walk across the huge parking lot, looking around. All colors of …

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…what they would have looked like when they were alive. The sun suddenly hides behind the clouds. Noticing the sudden shad, Erin now feels tired, and soon she loses all interest. It has been hours since they entered the market, and they bags, Erin and her mom head to their car. She has seen enough sea animals for one day. Erin climbs in to the car and falls asleep as her mom starts the engine