The First Persian Gulf War and the United Nations involvement.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The Persian Gulf War The problems in Iraq began in 1979 when Saddam Hussein took control of Iraq. In 1991, Saddam Hussein started the Persian Gulf War by invading Kuwait. He accused Kuwait of stealing oil from the Rumain oil field. The crisis continued in August when Iraq, led by Hussein invaded Kuwait. A deadline was set for January 15, 1991 by the United Nations for all Iraqi forces to be out of Kuwait, but Saddam ignored the deadline. …

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…endless circle now being played out. In order to destroy Iraq's ability to wage war, the United Nations has implemented the hardest and longest sanctions in its history. Iraq has endured those sanctions for over seven years now. Along with the sanctions, the UN demand that Iraq allows inspection of its weapons facilities and to open it's secret research facilities. Iraq continued refusal to cooperate has stagnated into and endless circle now being played out.