The Euro- a research paper about the euro- I had to write this for my economics class

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
The Euro- The Euro is a currency that will simplify the way Europeans spend money. In 1999 eleven European countries: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Ireland, and the Netherlands, replaced their national currencies and introduced a single European currency: the Euro. Britain and Denmark are also hoping to soon join this great coalition (Knot 1). The Euro is the official currency in the twelve participating countries. Bills and coins of the national currencies …

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…ery country, not just Europe. The Euro unifies, improves, facilitates, and stabilizes all of our economies and us. Now I will leave you with this touching message from my personal hero: "To the extent that Europe grows faster, becomes a more effective economy, they become an important trading partner of the United States...It is conceivable that the Euro will rise as a significant currency in the world. And that's good, not bad." --Alan Greenspan