The Elusive Nature of Logic and Perception: A Tale of Infidelity - Perceptual Blocks

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
It's hard to watch the news or read the paper without coming across some mention of infidelity, either by an elected official or some famous personality. It's tough to get a handle on marital affairs, but according to recent polls, 22 percent of married men have strayed at least once during their married lives, and 14 percent of married women have had an affair at some time. (N.A., 2002) While it is easy to point the finger …

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…views. They are subject to change with education, but they are not the fabric of my identity. I have learned to look at the bigger picture, and not focus so much on the minor details. I have learned to not hold on to preconceived notions about people, especially myself. Perceptual blocks can influence views, and can manipulate critical thinking and reasoning processes. Gaining an understanding of yourself and your situation can break these blocks down.